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Propably the whole M-series is killed when enabling the 207/211 option. Try to find a M3788 AT28BV64 E2PROM (atmel/st etc) dump. Desolder the E2PROM, program  this dump with a programmer and solder it on again. If you know the exact location of this bit in the E2PROM, you can read the contents of your E2 clear  the bit and write it back.

I know a lot of soldering must be performed  since (as far as I know) the BDM does not work on these phones (Since it contains a TI ARM7TDMI). The phone does not enter clone mode anymore either after setting the 207 option.

Please look at the BP microsystems homepage for the best engineers programmer ever made, the BP1200. On the same pages you can find the programming sockets for this device. BTW if somebody of BP microsystems read this, can you please replace the bl**dy blower by a less noisy one, I think it is possible for that 10.000 dollars!!!!.
BTW if you are not in the lucky possession of owning a BP1200, please send me your E2PROM and dump and I will program it for you (as soon as my adapter has been ordered). .

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Page last updated: 21/10/02  







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