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The follwing people have contributed to build an improve inside-gsm, thanx!

Pjotr polak

Supplied his Nokia 5110

Gino Knubben

Supplied a Philips Diga and a Nokia 3210

Marcel Juinen

Submitted some sites

Ivaylo Haratcherev

Information about the Philips Diga

Marco Baaij

Nortel BTS pictures!

Mart Coenen

Supplied Savvy (and I can keep it!). Thanks mr. EMC!!!

Stefan Crijns

Supplied V2288

Harry (dr. Yes)

For his corrections on the Mot eng pages

Artem Nesterov

For his corrections on the Savvy, the S25 and C25

Angela Scholder

For her corrections on the Ericsson Monitor

Corneliu Artimon

For all his information and corections!!!

Bjørn Amundsen

For his Norway BTS pictures

Mats Y. Gullvik

For his Norway BTS pictures



Do you want to contribute to this side by either supplying (defective) phones or pictures/information about base-stations.

If you want to uplad stuff to this site, you can!:

(150kByte/s max link)

For the Netherlands it is also possible to submit sites via our submit form.

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Page last updated: 21/10/02  







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